Monday, February 17, 2014

Going Back to Bali

Yeah, for six months I had been missing this place and finally I went there, haha. I spent 3 weeks of my holiday there, even the official holiday that the school gave was just for 2 weeks but I don't care. Rules are made to be broken, right? I went to Bali on 17th December and came back to Bandung on 7th January. And now I will tell you about what I've done in Bali.

First week in Bali, I spent it with my family because I missed them so much. I went to my favorite restaurants and ate all the things that I couldn't find in Bandung. There's one restaurant that my brother and I missed very much, and it's called "Genteng Biru". It serves the most delicious grilled duck that I've ever tasted. We ate a whole duck alone because it was very delicious and we missed it so much and there was many more restaurant that I visited. And because of that, in the first week I gained about 3 kilograms. But it was okay because I will lose 3 kilograms when I come back to Bandung.

The second week, I spent it for "alone time". I went to many places alone and just enjoyed the view. I went to Kuta beach to see a beautiful sunset and it was so amazing. I've never seen a sunset that's so beautiful except in this place. Its view and the atmosphere just made me so relax and made me questioned myself WHY DID I EVER WANTED TO LEAVE THIS PLACE??!! hhe, just kidding. I'm sure Bandung also have many beautiful places, but I just haven't found them yet. Back to Bali, I also visited Sanur Beach to see sunrise and many other places that I forget. But unfortunately it was rainy, so I hadn't enjoy this week very much.

For the last week, I spent it with my old friends. This is my favorite time of the holiday. I met my friends and they were not the same person that I knew when they're still in junior high school. There is my friend, Bagus, who just got much taller than the last time I met him. When he was in junior high school, his height just about my ear and now I'm the one who just about his ear-height. Than there is my friend, Maotama, who just got heavier voice. But one still didn't changed, they're still my friends. I spent this week with my friends, we went futsal, we went karaoke, and many things more. We spent the new year's eve in my friends house. We just hanging around, played guitar and sing till our throat hurts, we talked about our school, and anything that were in our mind. We did it till 2 in the morning and we just didn't want to stop, but what can we do? Our parents called us to get home, so we ended that night. The last night in Bali, I had dinner with my friends. That night, all my best friends were there. And after we finished, they made me to pay the bill all by my own. They told that it was my last night before I go back to Bandung and I have to give them a treat, so yeah I literally got robbed that night.

And the day had came, the day that I have to leave Bali, the day that ended the holiday, the day that made me to leave my friends and family. Hehhh..... Well, it's nice to see you again Bali. Just wait till I come back and I will bring new stories that I've made in Bandung. We'll meet again soon....

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